
Founded in 1970, Industrial Nacional de Brillo (INBRISA), has been dedicated to the production and marketing of products for the care of the home. Aware of the modern-day challenges, the company has diversified its portfolio with a wide mix of products, offering high quality and continuous innovation as part of the brand promise, as well as an accelerated investigative process and development, allowing for high quality standards for the evolution of its markets.

Today, Industria Nacional de Brillo (INBRISA), from its plant located in San José, Costa Rica, markets its products for Central America and the Caribbean, each year increasing its position in the international market, offering synergistic support to the marketing channels and making long term commercial links.



We are a company focused on creating long-term transparent commercial relations, offering products and solutions that add shine to life.



From constant innovation, we polish our daily work and transmit trust and well-being to new consumers, to preserve the well-being of the new generations

